Efektifitas Mengkudu Terhadap Penurunan Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi


Effectivity of Mengkudu to Blood Pressure Degradation
At Hypertension Patient

Hypertension represent the common public health problem happened in society. Many people suffering from the, but do not realize it. This disease move along for a lifetime and often without existence of typical sigh during not yet there is komplikasi at body organ. Hypertension represent the irremediable disease is but controlled. In controlling our hypertension can exploit the natural substance of permanent material of mengkudu, which can be reached from material facet beside as exploiting from environment.
This research aim to know the efektifitas mengkudu to degradation of blood pressure of hypertension patient. this Pattern Research is one group pre test the post test the design. Population in this research is entire all hypertension patient in Countryside of Dagangan Madiun with the amount 22 people. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling with the responder amount 10 responder. Data collecting by doing tension observation of before given by a intervention is then conducted by a intervention and also observation of tension or blood pressure is hereafter given by intervention.
From research result got by result of statistical test of Tarithmetic Ttable (- 50,2 8) for the blood pressure of systole and (- 55 8) for the blood pressure of diastole, hence Ho refused meaning there is influence mengkudu to degradation of blood pressure of hypertension patient

Keyword : Effectivity, Mengkudu, hypertension File Selengkapnya.....

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